CPU Monitor Copyright (C) Moose O'Malley, ----------- September 1996. CPU Monitor for Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95, NT. A utility to display graphical details of CPU usage and the average CPU usage. Developed using 16-bit Delphi. It took me ages to work out how to benchmark the CPU in Windows. It is fairly easy to make the CPU do some tasks and time how long it takes. But, how do you know how fast the CPU could do the tasks ? How fast could it do them if no other tasks were running ? How would your monitor program know the answers to these questions when it may never have been run on the machine in its virgin state ? How do you know how fast the machine could run under Windows ? It is like asking how fast your car can go, when you have never put your foot down !! Anyway, I thought about these questions all day, and finally got the inspiration. The program I am comparing Cpu Monitor to is the CPU monitor in Dashboard 95. Well, CPU Monitor seems to handle programs better (FTP, and FTP server programs go straight to 100% under Dashboard, but CPU Monitor seems to give better answers). Also, CPU Monitor calculates average CPU usage as well !! Also, if your machine is loading WORD or some big program, which locks out Dashboard 95 from monitoring, then Dashboard does not notice that it missed out on monitoring for several seconds, and does not register any 100% utilisation. This CPU Monitor program does !! Sharware Message : ------------------ This is NOT free software. This product is shareware. This means that you can try out the software for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 21 days to enable you to decide whether to purchase / register it. If you use this software after the 21 day evaluation period a registration fee is required. See the Registration Form in the file register.txt. Unregistered use of this software after the 21-day evaluation period is in violation of U.S. and international copyright laws. If you do not purchase / register the software after the 21 day trial period, then you must delete it from your system. In order to encourage me to develop this software and keep developing other software, I encourage you to do the right thing and register the software. To do this, please complete the Registration Form in the file register.txt. Moose EMail : Moose@rocknet.net.au Home Page : http://www.rocknet.net.au/~moose/ 19-Sep-96